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We journey with God, to serve with love

Children's Ministry

Here at BLC we take seriously our call to nurture our children in faith.  We love having children in worship and we enjoy watching them learn the songs, prayers, and scripture that are at the heart of our faith in Jesus Christ.  We offer many opportunities for children to learn and grow in their faith.

Look at those happy faces!




Baptism is a sign and seal of God's grace that we receive once in our lifetime.  Lutherans recognize all forms of Christian baptism.  Upon baptizing an infant or a child, the church community promises to teach that child the faith and to nurture them throughout their lives.  If you are interested in having your child baptized, please contact Pastor Paul at (213) 947-9880 or paul.busekist@bethlehemtc.org

First Communion

First Communion classes are offered for Children who have not yet received the sacrament.  For more information on upcoming classes, please contact Pastor Paul at (231) 947-9880 or paul.busekist@bethlehemtc.org


Sunday Options


Our nursey is located just across from the Sancutary and is open for parents and children to use during service.

Sunday School

During the education hour, from 9:15-10am, kids from preK-6th grade are invited to join us for Sunday School. (September through May; breaks for the summer months.)


Monthly & Annual Events

VBS (Vacation Bible School) (annual)

VBS 2024 is scheduled for July 29th-31st! Registration opens on Monday, June 24th - check the Events tab on our main website page for more details!



Volunteer Opportunities!


We are always looking for volunteers who are eager to work with the kiddos! If you are interested in volunteering in this regard, please feel free to give us a call!


Some events we host that are great for volunteering are: 


+VBS (Vacation Bible School) (Summer) 

+Sunday School Teaching 




Bethlehem Lutheran Church
1050 Peninsula Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686-2799
Phone: 231.947.9880