Youth & Young Adults
The purpose of Y2A is to serve and love the youth (7th-12th grades) and young adults (college age and beyond) in our congregation, as well as to reach out to those in our community. Just as our children's ministry takes seriously the call to nurture our children in faith, Y2A ministry is excited to continue walking alongside our youth and young adults as they grow in their faith.
We seek to grow a premier youth minsitry at BLC, not because we think we have all the answers, but because God is calling us to reach out and care for young people in our community. The world is a challenging place to live, and we believe that through our faith in Christ we are called to shine his bright light.
What does this look like? We want BLC to be a place where young people feel welcome, accepted, and needed. We want to provide a place where there is room for questions and doubts. We want to create a space where fun, laughter, and silliness are always present, and where faith can grow and flourish through our friendships.
We meet to share a meal. We meet to discuss how our faith impacts our daily lives. We get together to watch hockey games. We hang out at local restaurants. We talk about our lives, play games, and laugh until it hurts.