Global Missions
Companion Synod relationships of the ELCA connect Lutheran churches throughout the world
with ELCA synods and congregations. These relationships are expressions of the communion
and fellowship with more than 140 Lutheran member churches of the Lutheran World
Our synod and congregation are connected with the:
• Christian Lutheran Church in Honduras (ICLH)
• Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (ELCL)
• Evangelical Lutheran Church-Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG)
This small church exists in one of the poorest countries of the hemisphere. The church there
continues to witness to God’s grace with a holistic message of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Mission teams have built Habitat for Humanity homes; medical teams have provided expertise
and supplies. Others have provided water filters which enable people to secure potable water
with little or no cost. And lunches have been provided for kindergarten children, who often have
that as their only meal for the day.
Established in 1523, this church re-emerged when religious freedom was restored in 1988 and
grew stronger after its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The relationship between
our two churches is in its beginning stages of development and accompaniment.
Papua New Guinea
In 2009, a companionship covenant was signed between our synod and the PNG church,
which was founded in 1886. As working partners we share one another’s visions, life and
mission. We encourage one another and participate in one another’s ministries through prayer,
communication, and the exchange of resources and people.
Details about these partnerships are explained in detail at: