An In Depth Look at our Vision:
Premier Youth and Young Adult Ministry:
BLC strives to be a place that is recognized throughout the community for its successful and growing youth ministry, its strong Sunday school program, especially for junior and senior high school youth and young adults; a place with programming that extends throughout the week and reaches out to both members and non-members and includes a balance of service, spiritual formation, and fellowship; a place that has space that belongs exclusively to youth and offers Christian leadership and support; a place where youth are visible, recognizable, and empowered to play significant roles and become more involved as members of the congregation and are recognized as Christians beyond the walls of Bethlehem; and a place that is attractive to young adults and families with children.
Enlivening Christian Discipleship:
BLC strives to be a place that provides lifelong Christian learning opportunities for members and the community at large; a place that cares for members of its own family; a place that studies, prays, plays, and shares together and invites fellowship experiences with the community beyond its walls.
Vibrant and Inspiring Worship Experience:
BLC strives to be a place where many new faces are seen in worship leadership roles, including youth; a place that offers a variety of worship styles and formats that appeal to the spiritual needs and comfort levels of different worshipers; a place that uses modern technology (audio and visual) and music to enhance the worship experience and establishes strong connections for and between worshipers; a place that is recognized for uplifting worship experiences and a congregation that is not limited to its own space but sends disciples into the community and world at large; and a place where pews are regularly filled with comfortable, excited, and expectant believers.
Faithful Creation Care and Outdoor Ministry:
BLC strives to be a place that utilizes its unique natural setting as its signature for outdoor ministry and care of the environment consistent with the teachings of the bible; a congregation that sometimes seeks to worship beyond its own church walls in order to acknowledge and appreciate the sacred nature and connectedness of God’s creation and; when appropriate, advocates for environmental and social causes that are clearly scripturally based; a congregation whose members look to outdoor activities and mission as ways to engage together in God’s Creation and learn from its beauty, its interconnectedness and our common need for sustainability.
Campus at the Crossroads:
BLC strives to be a place with doors open wide for partnering with other churches, ministries, and organizations, both religious and secular, consistent with the spirit of Christ’s mission to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, visit the lonely, and bring good news to the poor; a place that is recognized for big events and activities that are of value and interest to members and the larger community; a place that enjoys a culture of welcome that warmly greets visitors and follows up with those who may be seeking new worship experiences; and a place that God would have us share with friends and those in need; a people whose very property and grounds may expand in size and scope (e.g. a gymnasium or other “campus” expansion) to meet the needs of our ministry and outreach.