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We journey with God, to serve with love

The Lord Will Provide

October 7, 2020

I am currently reading the book of Luke and enjoying the good new of the Gospel.  Throughout the Bible we read about and are reassured that God is with us and will keep us in His perfect care.  Read Luke 12: 22 to 32.

If we're captured by greed, or her second cousin, incessant worry, they we miss out on real life. That's the inescapable conclusion I reach when I read Jesus' familiar words once again.

"A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." (12:15b)

"Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes." (12:23)

"But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom." (12:32)


Jesus point is: "Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes."

Such a simple, but profound thought! So often we take for granted the humdrum of everyday survival and existence. Sometimes we get on treadmills and think that the material aspects of life are all that really matters.  If we only had a life like the Kardashians have, everything would be “perfect”.

Jesus speaks about worry.  He tells us that for all our worry, who can add one hour to our lives?   He has something of real meaning to say about overcoming worry. Worrying is hopelessly impotent and therefore utterly futile.   His words are so much better than “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”!

His point, of course, is this: “Therefore don’t make your life about possessions. Don’t make your goal even the basic necessities like food and clothing. If God provides for any of his creatures, he’ll certainly provide for you.”

Worry carries no power to help or provide, but God has all the power and all the love both to help and to provide. 

The God who provides for the birds of the air and the flowers of the fields will provide for the children he has made and placed in his world, and so much more than for any other part of his creation. God can be trusted and that trust brings a great reward.


The Lord is able to provide for us and to protect us throughout life and eternity.  His protective watch is part of His tending ministry.  He keeps us safe in His hands.  He spreads a table of plenty before us, even in the presents of our enemies.

Posted by Phil Anderson at 12:00 am
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1050 Peninsula Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686-2799
Phone: 231.947.9880